Baldur's Gate 2 Wiki

  • Cleric Stronghold

Temple Distict; 115000 ex., 1000 gold

  • Once you have destroyed the Cult of the Eyeless and if you are a cleric, you will be offered a place in the Temple that asked your aid in the first place. I joined the Temple of Lathander and the rest of the walkthrough for this subquest will reflect this.
  • Speak to Acolyte Lara in the Temple to receive your first duties. You will be asked to listen to the questions of the faithful and give them some advise. Although there are several acceptable answers for these questions, you will receive more experience if you give better advise.
  • The first request will come from a man who has discovered that his wife is cheating on him. Advise him to forgive her and let her go her way and one day later he will return and thank you for your advise. After two more days, Acolyte Lara will return and comment on your work.
  • The second request is from a man named Ti'Vael who killed a man in anger. Tell him to take responsibility for his actions and provide for the dead man's family. He will return two days later and thank your for your advise.
  • A young women who's faith is failing will come to you and ask for you advise. Tell her to take what time she needs.
  • Cotirso, a fellow priest, will confront you, showing resentment because you were promoted before him. Offer to give him your position and Acolyte Lara will return and send Cotirso away.
  • After Cotirso leaves, Acolyte Lara will tell you that house of Talos is planning to attack the Dawnbringer's home. She will ask you to enter the Temple of Talos and kill Weathermistriss Ada to prevent this from hapenning.
  • Enter the Temple of Talos and defeat Weathermistriss Ada in her bed in the room in the south part of the building.
  • Return to Acolyte Lara in the Temple of Lathander to report the success of your grisly task.